Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The Kangaroo and Josh the Sand Cat

While on his journey, the Kangaroo meets Josh the Sand Cat, living on a wrecked ship in the Aral Sea.

Richard suggested images to look at for the Aral Sea, all of which are referenced in the Bibliography. Sparse desert, with wrecked ships dotted here and there.

This was my first attempt at drawing the Sand Cat and Richard seemed reasonably pleased with the result, if not a little vague.   

Below is the feedback recieved when I emailed the image of the Sand Cat and one of the ships:
'The Sand Cat sketches are looking ok. I'd say crop the boat to only show a bit in the middle. Look at the reference image I showed you from the Wikipedia page for the Aral Sea.'

I cropped the ship, added Josh the Sand Cat and then started to work on piecing the postcard together.
The postcard was originally supposed to be a longer 4"x 8", but as you can see below, there is a lot of space and not much to fill it. I thought it looked quite bland, so shrunk it to a standard 4"x 6" postcard design.

I added the ships and created a bright, warm sky and then using Photoshop, added all of the items to set the scene.

I emailed the following image to Richard and didn't hear any further comments on it, so presumed that it was successful.

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